Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
Inversion d’opérateurs de courbure au voisinage d’une métrique Ricci parallèle
[Inversion of some curvature operators near a parallel Ricci metric]
[Inversion of some curvature operators near a parallel Ricci metric]
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
Addendum à « Un théorème du support pour la fibration de Hitchin »
[Addendum to “A support theorem for the Hitchin fibration”]
[Addendum to “A support theorem for the Hitchin fibration”]
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
Formes modulaires surconvergentes, ramification et classicité
[Overconvergent modular forms, ramification and classicity]
[Overconvergent modular forms, ramification and classicity]
Quasimorphismes sur le monoïde libre, et substitutions dans les mesures invariantes
[Quasimorphisms on the free monoid, and substitutions in invariant measures]
[Quasimorphisms on the free monoid, and substitutions in invariant measures]