Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
p. 1-29
Construire un noyau de la fonctorialité ? Le cas de l’induction automorphe sans ramification de GL à GL
[Building some kernel of functoriality? The case of unramified automorphic induction from GL to GL]
[Building some kernel of functoriality? The case of unramified automorphic induction from GL to GL]
p. 87-147
Sur la première classe de Stiefel-Whitney de l’espace des applications stables réelles vers l’espace projectif
[On the first Stiefel-Whitney class of moduli spaces for real rational stable curves on the projective space]
[On the first Stiefel-Whitney class of moduli spaces for real rational stable curves on the projective space]
p. 149-168
Actions of monoidally equivalent compact quantum groups and applications to probabilistic boundaries
p. 169-216
p. 217-255
Effondrement, spectre et propriétés diophantiennes des flots riemanniens
[Collapsing, spectrum, and diophantine properties of riemannian flows]
[Collapsing, spectrum, and diophantine properties of riemannian flows]
p. 257-290
p. 291-317
Un théorème à la « Thom-Sebastiani » pour les intégrales-fibres
[A Thom-Sebastiani theorem for fiber-integrals]
[A Thom-Sebastiani theorem for fiber-integrals]
p. 319-353
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
p. 455-487
p. 565-606
p. 641-681
p. 683-709
Cohomologie de dolbeault le long des feuilles de certains feuilletages complexes
[Leafwise Dolbeault cohomology of certain complex foliations]
[Leafwise Dolbeault cohomology of certain complex foliations]
p. 727-757
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
p. 759-800
p. 801-852
p. 853-903
Changements de base explicites des représentations supercuspidales de
[Explicit base change lifts of the supercuspidal representations of ]
[Explicit base change lifts of the supercuspidal representations of ]
p. 905-938
p. 939-951
p. 953-985
p. 1035-1055
Optimisation du théorème d’Ax-Sen-Tate et application à un calcul de cohomologie galoisienne -adique
[Optimization of the Ax-Sen-Tate theorem applied to a computation in -adic Galois cohomology]
[Optimization of the Ax-Sen-Tate theorem applied to a computation in -adic Galois cohomology]
p. 1105-1123
p. 1125-1160
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
Théorème de Kurosh pour les relations d’équivalence boréliennes
[Kurosh’s theorem for countable Borel equivalence relations]
[Kurosh’s theorem for countable Borel equivalence relations]
p. 1161-1200
Sur les séries de Fourier des fonctions continues unimodulaires
[Fourier series of continuous unimodular functions]
[Fourier series of continuous unimodular functions]
p. 1201-1214
p. 1215-1232
p. 1233-1257
p. 1259-1288
p. 1289-1316
p. 1401-1434
p. 1435-1477
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
p. 1515-1531
p. 1533-1560
p. 1595-1615
p. 1685-1740
Quotients compacts des groupes ultramétriques de rang un
[Compact quotients of non-Archimedean rank-one groups]
[Compact quotients of non-Archimedean rank-one groups]
p. 1741-1786
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
p. 1871-1903
Sur le Topos infinitésimal -adique d’un schéma lisse I
[Infinitésimal -adic topos of a smooth scheme I]
[Infinitésimal -adic topos of a smooth scheme I]
p. 1905-2094
p. 2095-2113
p. 2137-2164
p. 2183-2233
p. 2235-2260
p. 2275-2299
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. 2303-2305
p. 2307-2331
p. 2357-2372
p. 2373-2402
p. 2421-2447
p. 2449-2459
p. 2503-2543