Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
p. 85-100
p. 121-130
p. 131-181
Approche visqueuse de solutions discontinues de systèmes hyperboliques semilinéaires
[Viscous approach of discontinuous solutions of semilinear symmetric hyperbolic systems]
[Viscous approach of discontinuous solutions of semilinear symmetric hyperbolic systems]
p. 183-245
p. 269-276
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
p. 277-297
Approximation diophantienne dans les corps de séries en plusieurs variables
[Diophantine approximation in fields of power series in several variables]
[Diophantine approximation in fields of power series in several variables]
p. 299-308
p. 309-323
p. 337-372
p. 397-421
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
p. 689-733
Feuilletages singuliers de codimension un, groupoïde de Galois et intégrales premières
[Singular codimension one foliations, Galois groupoid and first integrals]
[Singular codimension one foliations, Galois groupoid and first integrals]
p. 735-779
p. 781-794
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
p. 839-849
p. 851-885
p. 887-917
Représentations cristallines dans le cas d’un corps résiduel imparfait
[Cristalline representations in the nonperfect residue field case]
[Cristalline representations in the nonperfect residue field case]
p. 919-999
p. 1001-1048
p. 1049-1126
p. 1165-1205
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
p. 1281-1296
p. 1297-1335
p. 1405-1418
p. 1505-1565
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
p. 1633-1662
Classification rationnelle et confluence des systèmes aux différences singuliers réguliers
[Rational classification and confluence of regular singular difference systems]
[Rational classification and confluence of regular singular difference systems]
p. 1663-1699
p. 1701-1734
p. 1767-1804
p. 1947-1982
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. 1983-1985
p. 1987-2092
p. 2093-2113
Kolam indiens, dessins sur le sable aux îles Vanuatu, courbe de Sierpinski et morphismes de monoïde
[Indian kolam, drawings on the sand in the Vanuatu Islands, Sierpinski curve, and morphisms of monoids]
[Indian kolam, drawings on the sand in the Vanuatu Islands, Sierpinski curve, and morphisms of monoids]
p. 2115-2130
p. 2161-2212
p. 2213-2248
Fonctions de récurrence des suites d’Arnoux-Rauzy et réponse à une question de Morse et Hedlund
[Recurrence functions of Arnoux-Rauzy sequences, and answer to a question of Morse and Hedlund]
[Recurrence functions of Arnoux-Rauzy sequences, and answer to a question of Morse and Hedlund]
p. 2249-2270
p. 2315-2343
p. 2391-2435
p. 2437-2461
Sur la complexité de mots infinis engendrés par des -automates dénombrables
[Complexity of infinite words generated by countable -automata]
[Complexity of infinite words generated by countable -automata]
p. 2463-2491
p. 2493-2524
Propriétés arithmétiques des substitutions et automates infinis
[Arithmetics properties of substitutions and infinite automata]
[Arithmetics properties of substitutions and infinite automata]
p. 2525-2549
p. 2551-2563