Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
Espaces mesurés singuliers fortement ergodiques (Étude métrique–mesurée)
[Singular measured spaces and strong ergodicity]
[Singular measured spaces and strong ergodicity]
p. 1-43
Le théorème de Riesz-Raikov-Bourgain pour un endomorphisme algébrique de
[The Riesz-Raikov-Bourgain theorem for an algebraic endomorphism of ]
[The Riesz-Raikov-Bourgain theorem for an algebraic endomorphism of ]
p. 45-126
p. 163-195
Relation entre les conjectures de Farrell-Jones en -théories algébrique et hermitienne
[Relation between the Farrell-Jones conjectures in algebraic and hermitian -theory]
[Relation between the Farrell-Jones conjectures in algebraic and hermitian -theory]
p. 197-207
Quelques questions d’approximation faible pour les tores algébriques
[Weak approximation for algebraic tori quite fails]
[Weak approximation for algebraic tori quite fails]
p. 273-288
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
p. 379-419
Sommation effective d’une somme de Borel par séries de factorielles
[Effective Borel-resummation by factorial series]
[Effective Borel-resummation by factorial series]
p. 421-456
p. 457-480
Sur la dimension de l’ensemble des points base du fibré déterminant sur
[On the dimension of the base locus of the determinant bundle on .]
[On the dimension of the base locus of the determinant bundle on .]
p. 481-490
p. 525-602
p. 603-628
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
p. 719-738
Homogénéité locale pour les métriques riemanniennes holomorphes en dimension
[Holomorphic riemannian metrics on compact threefolds are locally homogeneous]
[Holomorphic riemannian metrics on compact threefolds are locally homogeneous]
p. 739-773
p. 803-814
p. 825-882
p. 883-917
Matrice magique associée à un germe de courbe plane et division par l’idéal jacobien
[Magic matrix associated with a germ of plane curve and division by the Jacobian ideal]
[Magic matrix associated with a germ of plane curve and division by the Jacobian ideal]
p. 919-953
p. 955-971
p. 973-1017
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
p. 1063-1093
Introduction à l’étude globale des tissus sur une surface holomorphe
[Global study of webs on a holomorphic surface]
[Global study of webs on a holomorphic surface]
p. 1095-1133
p. 1135-1159
p. 1161-1180
p. 1181-1216
p. 1217-1252
Equations de Fokker-Planck géométriques II : estimations hypoelliptiques maximales
[Geometric Fokker-Planck equations II : maximal hypoelliptic estimates]
[Geometric Fokker-Planck equations II : maximal hypoelliptic estimates]
p. 1285-1314
p. 1315-1330
Les géométries de Hilbert sont à géométrie locale bornée
[Hilbert geometries have bounded local geometry]
[Hilbert geometries have bounded local geometry]
p. 1359-1375
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
p. 1405-1439
p. 1441-1450
Espace de twisteurs d’une variété presque hermitienne de dimension 6
[The twistor space of a dimensional almost Hermitian manifold]
[The twistor space of a dimensional almost Hermitian manifold]
p. 1451-1485
p. 1509-1520
p. 1521-1535
p. 1537-1555
p. 1557-1574
p. 1575-1610
p. 1611-1621
p. 1689-1740
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
Foncteurs de division et structure de dans la catégorie
[Division functors and structure of in the category ]
[Division functors and structure of in the category ]
p. 1771-1823
Solutions non oscillantes d’une équation différentielle et corps de Hardy
[Non-oscillating solutions of a differential equation and Hardy fields]
[Non-oscillating solutions of a differential equation and Hardy fields]
p. 1825-1838
p. 1839-1861
Sur les représentations de Krammer génériques
[On the Krammer representations with generic parameters]
[On the Krammer representations with generic parameters]
p. 1883-1925
p. 1975-2013
p. 2015-2030
p. 2031-2040
p. 2041-2061
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. 2083-2089
p. 2091-2094
p. 2183-2195
p. 2197-2208
p. 2209-2237
p. 2329-2343
p. 2345-2360