Table of contents
p. 759-800
p. 801-852
p. 853-903
Changements de base explicites des représentations supercuspidales de
[Explicit base change lifts of the supercuspidal representations of ]
[Explicit base change lifts of the supercuspidal representations of ]
p. 905-938
p. 939-951
p. 953-985
p. 1035-1055
Optimisation du théorème d’Ax-Sen-Tate et application à un calcul de cohomologie galoisienne -adique
[Optimization of the Ax-Sen-Tate theorem applied to a computation in -adic Galois cohomology]
[Optimization of the Ax-Sen-Tate theorem applied to a computation in -adic Galois cohomology]
p. 1105-1123
p. 1125-1160