A contribution intended for publication should be in English or French. The manuscripts should be submitted via the editorial platform of the AIF. 


Before submitting, an account has to be created by the author on this platform. An existing account can also be used. Please, consult the corresponding web pages for more details. When registering, do not forget to select the checkbox "Author".


Submission of an article

Once the account is created, the author can upload a pdf file after having certified that the submitted article is not already published or is not considered for publication in another journal.
The author also confirms that, if the article is accepted, it will be published under the CC-BY-ND licence.

Copyright notice

Before their article is published, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items. Note that submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors retain copyright, and grant the journal right of first publication of the article.
  • Authors are entitled to and accept responsibility for submitting this article on behalf of any and all co-authors.
  • The article, if accepted, will be published under a CC-BY-ND licence, without any financial compensation.
  • Permission has been obtained from the copyright holder and the author(s) of figures, tables, animations or text quotations for copyrighted works (including websites) included in the paper.
The Journal and/or platform may retract the paper after publication if clear evidence is found of misconduct (plagiarism or double publication).

Preparation of an article

The accepted language is french or english.
During the submission, authors should send a PDF file. The article should include an abstract of at most 150 words, where formulas and equations should be used only when necessary, and should be kept to a minimum. No references should be included in that abstract.
Once the paper is accepted, all files (TeX for the text, BibTeX for the bibliography and figures) of the final version should be sent by the authors. The present LaTeX environment is teTeX, a stantard and complete TeX distribution for UNIX.
Please note that color figures will generally only remain in color in the electronic version, but will be printed in shades of grey in the print version.
A LaTeX class and a BibTeX configuration file, together with an example document, are available on the Centre Mersenne website: AIF author package. Examples of BibTeX entries are available on MathSciNet. The Cedram class must be used if article is accepted.